Posts tagged laboring down
How Perineal Massage can Reduce Vaginal Tearing
Baby, Birth, Pregnancy, VBACNichole Blackvaginal tearing, vbac, vbac planning tips, vbac preparation, vaginal birh, birth, birth story, birth plan tips, birth class, babies, labor, perineal massage, pregnancy, laboring, laboring down, labor fear, labor and delivery, labor tips, labor and delivery tips
Getting an Epidural? Here's What You Should Know
Birth, Baby, Pregnancy, VBACNichole Blacklabor, labor pain management, labor and delivery tips, labor tips, labor and delivery, plan your vbac, laboring down, labor fear, doula, birth, babies, Birth, birth support, birth plan tips, birth plan template, birth class, birth plan, birth doula, vbac tips, vbac, vbac preparation, epidural, delayed epidural, preparing for vbac
Birth, PregnancyNichole Blackvaginal tearing, pushing in labor, laboring down, perineal massage, prevent vaginal tearing, minimize vaginal tearing, spontaneous labor, delayed epidural, rest and be thankful, pushing positions to prevent vaginal tearing, urge to push, the sphincter law, visualize your birth, counter pressure on the perineum, warm compress on perineum