Episode 162: Frustrated with your social media results? It’s time to rip off the bandaid!


Quick Announcement: A New Program Comes to the Online Business School this week! 

The new live program called Standout Online and Grow Your Online Presence is still open and it has available options that fit your business needs and your budget. Join us and experience a full year of new curriculum and new features in the membership!

> Online Business School NOW ENROLLING <

Now for this week’s episode: 

If your social media strategy includes creating and scheduling 30 - 60+ days of content, learning algorithm hacks, and repurposing like a mother without doing the deeper inner work, then you may be focusing on the surface level, and putting a bandaid on your social media strategy.

I’m talking about hiding behind your logo, not really being yourself, not showing your face, and not really connecting with your audience, to name a few. 

You may be putting a bandaid over a deeper issue.

Let me explain.

I’m not a doctor, but I will tell you that one of my gripes with western medicine is that it tends to favor bandaids. It doesn’t usually seek out the root cause of the symptom.

While the band aid might ‘fix’ or mask symptoms, it doesn’t  really do anything for the deeper issue, and it doesn’t really make it go away. Most of the time, it makes the underlying stuff fester. 

Whether we’re talking about your health or your business, if you’re stopping at the surface level of building an online presence, you might find yourself spinning your wheels to get a logo, branded graphics, create loads of content…

And still have no clients, no inquiries. And therefore, no business revenue.

I say all of this because I’ve been there. For the first year in my own business, I lived the bandaid life when it came to my social media presence. I had a logo, branded graphics & a list of quotes / affirmations in constant rotation. And for a long time, I was still making $0.

Then I finally uncrossed my arms and decided to look at what was underneath the bandaid.

And I can tell you, that the more I do the inner work, the more I take down the walls on my online presence, the more connected I feel with my community online. And… the easier it is for me to connect with my dreamy soul clients - and for them to find me.

So if you have all the bells and whistles for your social media strategy but find yourself still not getting any sales, then I invite you to go deeper. If you’d like my support & guidance along your journey, this is exactly what we’re doing this quarter in the Online Business School. 

Let’s Connect: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nichole_joy__/

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