Episode 161: What I’d tell my best friend BEFORE she starts an online business


Quick Announcement: All new curriculum in the online business school! 

We  will start having quarter by quarter topics and ongoing support in between for people inside the online business school container. You'll be able to join individual quarters as a standalone, or join just one quarter if that's what you prefer. And if you are a member in the online business school, you would get to come to all of them. 

> Online Business School NOW ENROLLING <

> Q1 in OBS: Stand Out Online & Grow Your Online Presence <

Now for this week’s episode:

I’ve seen a lot of, and to some extent, contributed to the message that starting a business online is easy, effortless, and that all you need is a cell phone and some wifi. While those things can be true: I do believe there are ways to make it easier and more effortless, and for most things a cell phone will do… there is more to it. It’s still A LOT.

And sugarcoating entrepreneurship feels like it’s not serving you.

Preparing you for one of the ultimate life transformations, entrepreneurship (outside of motherhood, being in relationship & grief, IMO), feels important.

Not in a gatekeeper, scare tactics way…But in a ‘prepare me the best you can, so that this business ownership ride is smoother’ way

Because here’s the thing:

Yes it’s AMAZING.

Yes I wouldn’t trade it for cubicle life.

Yes it fulfills my soul on a DEEP level.

BUT it’s not always easy because I am a human, with real emotions and very real rude mental chatter, navigating this journey that veers off the standard program. Putting myself out there again and AGAIN.

So let’s normalize some of the previously sugarcoated things about starting an online business.

But first, ask yourself WHY. Why business? Why online? Why a social media presence?

Because if you can go in, knowing that even with the hard parts, it’ll all be worth it, your experience navigating the roller coaster will be smoother, with more ease.

Here are the 4 things I’d tell my best friend before she starts an online business: 

  1. It takes work. There are hardly ever quick fixes. Yes, there are the people who are genetically designed to have a clear path to ‘success’ and a 26 inch waist. But for the majority of us, we have to get up and DO the things to build our desires - whether that’s booty gains or a dreamy business.

  1. You’ll need Faith. You’ll need this when it looks like things aren’t working. It’s easier to have faith in the corporate safety program, because there’s a ton of evidence around us that it works. Building a dream business, though? There isn’t as much evidence, you have to believe it before you see it.

  1. Learn to navigate ‘failure.’ In my experience, a lot of us ‘fail’ a lot before we succeed. So if you’re in it for the long run, you might as well get all comfy and cozy with foul balls and strikes. The quicker you learn how to move through the feelings associated with “failure” and don’t allow it to stick, or mean something about you, the quicker you’ll grow. 

  1. Embrace being imperfect. To all of the people pleasers of the room: there will be people who don’t vibe with you or your work. And that’s okay. It just means that they are not your people, and you will eventually find yours. 

There are so many things that any aspiring online business owner needs to know, but I’m curious, what part resonated with you the most? If you’re already in business, what would you add to this list? 

Let’s Connect: 

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