Tips for Navigating Holidays with a Newborn
written by guest postpartum doula tiffany nicole trotman
Happy Holidays and congratulations!
Bringing home a baby around the holiday season is already a lot to wrap our minds around. And bringing home a baby during the 2020 Holiday Season? That's a whole other beast!
As if contending with cold and flu season, pushy families, rambunctious kiddos, packed stores, your postpartum recovery and a new squish wasn't enough, we also have that added layer of the 2020 chaos we've been living with - COVID-19, quarantine, and the new normal.
It is all going to be okay though. Before we know it, January 2nd will be here and Valentine's Candy and bikinis will grace the store shelves. (I'm not even kidding...last year I was in Target on the 2nd and the bikinis were out. As if any of us need THAT reminder! But that's another post.)
So let's just get through the next few weeks, shall we? Hopefully, these tips can help you make it through the season happy and healthy with your precious newborn in tow!
Tips for staying home with your new baby over the holidays:
Don't feel guilty about saying no!
Aunt Marge and Uncle Bobby will live if you decline the Christmas Eve shindig that's three hours away. Do not feel guilty about putting your health, your baby's health, and your sanity first! A quiet Christmas at home could be just what you need.
Do Less
Even at home with our own families, we may feel like we have to go all out, especially if our family feels as if they're missing out on celebrations. But keep the decorations, cooking and shopping to a minimum. I give you permission!
Speaking of cooking...
Have family and friends drop off food for you, if you feel safe doing so. Or, take advantage of the stores and restaurants who are offering holiday feast packages. It will be well worth it when you get to put your feet up and enjoy your new baby over the holidays.
Connect with family virtually
I know, I know. We're all Zoomed out! We're over Google Meet/Hangout. If we have to get on one more Go To Meeting we’ll explode!!! But, let's face it...that's the best way for us to safely connect with the ones we love right now. And I'll be honest...I will totally get on many more Go To Meetings if it means seeing your beautiful face and the little one you created! So I'm sure you're family will feel the same.
Tips for celebrating safely with family
Host without hosting!
What? Okay, here me out: you are getting together with family and you have the space to host, but obviously not the energy...understandable. But the idea of packing up you and baby, and leaving the house is completely daunting...also understandable. I may have a solution…put someone else in charge! Have your mom/dad/sibling/aunt/uncle/cousin WHOEVER play host/hostess at your home. You don't have to do anything, and you don't have to leave the house? Brilliant!
If you are heading out, pack what you need
Baby's needs, your needs, even your water and snacks...make sure you have it all. Now, hear me when I say this: don't over you really need the pack-and-play, the swing and the bouncy seat? No, my love, you don't. When I say pack what you need, I'm talking about your breastfeeding essentials, pumping needs (if applicable), diapers, wipes, your peri bottle, witch hazel pads, postpartum pads...anything you use regularly at home, don't forget it.
Wear that baby
Speaking of the pack-and-play, swing and bouncy seat that you don't need...and I’ll explain why. Your best bet? Wear your newborn baby, especially during holiday gatherings. Why? You'll keep baby close to you and comfortable even amidst the chaos, it will be so much easier to catch baby's feeding cues, and you'll likely deter a few rounds of “pass the baby.” If you need a break and do need to pass the baby to a partner, grandparent or other trusted family member, have that person wear baby as well.
Tips for new Moms with newborns over the holidays
You do not need to pump and dump after a drink or two.
Get tons of rest! Take nursing breaks, keep off your feet as much as possible and embrace naps.
Plan around baby's and your schedule
Put your needs and baby's needs first. Aunt Marge will get over it...
Self-care, self-care, self-care
Eat nutritious foods, even among the onslaught of sweets. Thinks lots of fruits and veggies, hydrate, and enjoy the cakes and cookies in moderation.
Have your postpartum and baby supplies stocked and ready. The last thing you need is to have to run out to crazy, ridiculously packed Target on Christmas Eve for diapers. Better yet - order it online.
Keep things in perspective - YOU. JUST. HAD. A. BABY.
Gift cards are still amazing gifts - especially Amazon gift cards that you can send directly to friends and family.
And finally...ask for help. Your partner, parents or even paid help will make things flow so much easier. Make your needs known.
Your postpartum recovery won't let up just because it's the holiday season, but if you know what to expect and how to plan for it, you can have a more positive experience. Be sure to check out Tiffany’s *new* Postpartum Playbook, your guide to your postpartum recovery!