3 Induction Myths - Debunked
As you near the end of your pregnancy, if your provider starts talking induction, know that you’re not alone.
Inductions are becoming increasingly popular in the US.
Let’s start with the difference between medical and elective inductions. Medical inductions are utilized when it’s safer for Mom and/or baby for baby to be outside of the womb. They are important procedures that can save lives.
Elective inductions are typically for convenience and by choice. Mom may be exhausted, on a specific time frame, uncomfortable at the end of pregnancy, and so on.
Myth #1: You need to induce early for your estimated big baby.
Unless you have gestational diabetes, this is likely unnecessary.
Ultrasound size estimates are incorrect half of the time… and can be off by +/- 15%.
Making a big birth decision (like medical induction) based on a size estimate only can sometimes lead to a less than desirable birth experience.
What you need to know: big babies come on their own all the time. You do not have to induce early for an estimated big baby. (Grab a copy of my birth plan template in the Freebie Library to go through all of your options today!)
Note that expecting parents with diabetes are an exception to this.
Myth #2: You should have your baby by your due date.
Due dates are an estimate. Most first time moms give birth somewhere between week 38 and 42. Can we make ‘due month’ a thing?
If you go past your due date, you and baby are healthy, what’s the rush? It’s perfectly normal for some babies to need a little longer to cook.
I know you’re exhausted, both physically and mentally. I know you just want to hold your baby on the outside. You will, I promise.
Myth #3: Inductions are normal.
Common? Yes. Normal? Not necessarily.
The body’s process during birth when left alone - is normal.
Medical induction drugs such as Cervidil and Pitocin are interventions. When we intervene with the body’s normal physiological process, it can make labor more complicated.
What you need to know:
You have choices.
You are in the driver’s seat of your pregnancy and birth.
You get to choose what’s best for you and your family.
I won’t judge you for having an elective induction. There have been times when I’ve cried inside at the temptation to have one myself.
I won’t judge you for having an epidural. I’ve had it - twice. It worked perfectly for me. And if I’m being honest here, there was a moment during my accidental home birth when I yearned for an epidural (real talk).
Be sure to grab a copy of the FREE BIRTH PLAN TEMPLATE in my Free Resource Library below.